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} else { if( M!=0 ) { ret = M + '個月前'; } else { dyn = true; if( D!=0 ) { ret = D + '日前'; } else { if( h!=0 ) { if( m!= 0 ) { ret = h + '小時' + m + '分鐘前'; } else { ret = h + '小時前'; } } else { if( m!= 0 ) { ret = m + '分鐘前'; } else { ret = s + '秒前'; } } } } } } else { if( Y!=70 ){ ret = ( Y-70 ) + plural_handling( ( Y-70 ) ," year__S__ ago", "s"); } else { if( M!=0 ) { ret = M + plural_handling( M ," month__S__ ago", "s"); } else { dyn = true; if( D!=0 ) { ret = D + plural_handling( D , " day__S__ ago", "s"); } else { if( h!=0 ) { if( m!= 0 ) { ret = h + plural_handling( h , " hr__S__ ", "s") + m + plural_handling( m , " minute__S__ ago", "s"); } else { ret = h + plural_handling( h , " hour__S__ ago", "s"); } } else { if( m!= 0 ) { ret = m + plural_handling( m , " minute__S__ ago", "s"); } else { ret = s + plural_handling( s , " sec__S__. ago", "s"); } } } } } } return ret; } function plural_handling(num, word, s) { var ret = ''; if( num > 1 ) { if( s == 'ies' ) { ret = word.replace("y__S__", s ); } else if( s == 'IES' ) { ret = word.replace("Y__S__", s ); } else { ret = word.replace("__S__", s ); } } else { ret = word.replace("__S__", "" ); } return ret; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- RecentlyViewedProperties ------------------------------------------------- RecentlyViewedProperties = { viewer: {}, curr_page: 1, ttl_pages: 1, ttl_props: 0, is_next_handler_binded: false, is_prev_handler_binded: false, props_per_slot: 6, slot_width: 786, // from: 775 + 11 init: function () { $('.recently-viewed-props ul').jcarousel({scroll: 6}); return; // var viewer = $('.recently-viewed-props'); // this.viewer.prev = $('.slide-prev', viewer); // this.viewer.next = $('.slide-next', viewer); // this.viewer.bar = $('.props-bar', viewer); // this.ttl_props = this.viewer.bar.children('.a-prop').length; // this.ttl_pages = Math.ceil(this.ttl_props / this.props_per_slot); // this.viewer.prev.css('cursor', 'default'); // if (this.isNextExists()) // { // this.viewer.next.css('cursor', 'pointer'); 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$(div) .css(css) .attr('title', 'Show Street View'); div.innerHTML = 'Street View'; google.maps.event.addDomListener(div, 'click', function() { var sv = map.getStreetView(); sv.setPano(sv_loc.pano); sv.setPov({ heading: 270, pitch: 0, zoom: 0 }); sv.setVisible(true); }); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT].push(div); } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------